Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Well today was the big day, my birthday! Happy 51st to me. I had a 8:30 am breakfast date with my sister Mary and my niece Celina at Alice's restaurant. Along for the breakfast were 2 of Celina's 3 children, Lincoln and Ruby. We talked, laughed, and ate plenty, it was great! Then we went to my favorite place in the AV.... the "Antique Asylum". I just had to walk up and down every aisle and looked literally at everything there. I found great treasures and bought the ones I just couldn't live without. And it was there, with the help of the girls, to decorate my guest room in the shabby chic fashion. And so my next project begins. My progress will of course be one of the topics I will occasionally cover. Then later in the day I was taken to dinner with my husband and my son. We went to the Red Lobster, it was delicious! During our dinner I received a call from my son-in-law, to make sure to stop by their house because they had made a birthday cake for me. Well I wasn't about to miss out on dessert! They sang to me and I blew out the one candle that represented my 51 yrs. I just loved it all. Then I went home and called my mother. She felt bad that she had forgotten my birthday. She kept apologizing. I told her that it was fine. She attributed it to old age, hers not mine. There is never anything to forgive when it comes to my mother, I only know that I will do the same at her age and hopefully some one will be understanding too! But until then I will continue to celebrate my life and enjoy every birthday the good Lord gives me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have two younger sisters in my life. Mary is two years younger and well Laura is 13 years younger than me. I don't know how to describe how valuable they are to me. I can't imaging growing up without them. I remember Mary always wanting to play store, and I wanted to play ball with my three older brothers. But yes I was TOLD to play dolls and store with her, and when she got tired, well then I ran and played with my brothers. I remember Mother always bought us matching dresses from some Vendor that would come house to house with boxes of dresses for sale. That's the way it was in the sixties, the Helms bakery truck delivered doughnuts and all kinds of breads, the milk delivered by the milk man, and the man that sold dresses. And because we wore matching dresses people would constantly ask if we were twins. I really disliked that, I was just short, we were not twins. And Laura well she came way later in our lives. She was the last to be born into our family, and she was a blessing. She was our new toy in a way. She was fun to play with, and when we got tired we gave her back to Mother. But we did learn plenty in raising her. We learned how to do everything baby, bathing, changing, feeding, and we learned patience. All this was valuable to us as we got older and started our own families. Well we all have had our loves, and our memories, and we do live our own separate lives, but in the end we have each other. Mother taught us early that after all the friends that we thought would be there for us forever are gone, the only ones that would truly be there for us is family. And this is true. I know in my heart and by their actions that they are always here for me and I for them. My sisters are so funny, and smart, and tall, and they are mine. The best friends I will every have are my sisters.
Tomorrow I will celebrate my 51st birthday! Hurray for me. Now I started thinking that this is a good time to become blogger. You know, now that I am at that half way point in my life, and since my memory is still in tack, I have decided to jot down those memories, and things about my life, and stuff about everything I love. You know there is just not enough time in our lives to tell every one in it about you and your feelings. So this is my way of leaving it here on this blog for everyone to read and maybe relate to. I find it tragic when a family member, or even a friend can no longer remember parts of their past memories. And also what memories have they left out, and forgotten to share with me? I guess I just don't want to leave out anything, so to my children, my grandkids, my friends and the rest of my family this is for you. Enjoy Life.